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Nature, 27 February 2025, Volume 638 Issue 8052



Total synthesis of 25 picrotoxanes by virtual library selection


▲ 作者:Chunyu Li (李春雨) Ryan A. Shenvi

▲ 链接:articles/s41586-024-08538-y



▲ Abstract:Here, to solve this problem but avoid tedious guess-and-check experimentation, we built a virtual library of elusive late-stage intermediate analogues that were triaged by reactivity and altered the synthesis pathway. The efficiency of this method led to concise routes to 25 naturally occurring picrotoxanes. Costly density-functional-theory transition-state calculations were replaced with faster reactant parameterizations to increase scalability and, in this case, inform the mechanism. This approach can serve as an add-on search to human or computer-assisted synthesis planning applicable to high-complexity targets and/or steps with little representation in the literature or reaction databases.


Ancient DNA reveals reproductive barrier despite shared Avar-period culture


▲ 作者:Ke Wang, Bendeguz Tobias et al.

▲ 链接:articles/s41586-024-08418-5





▲ Abstract:After a long-distance migration, Avars with Eastern Asian ancestry arrived in Eastern Central Europe in 567 to 568 CE and encountered groups with very different European ancestry. We used ancient genome-wide data of 722 individuals and fine-grained interdisciplinary analysis of large seventh- to eighth-century CE neighbouring cemeteries south of Vienna (Austria) to address the centuries-long impact of this encounter. We found that even 200?years after immigration, the ancestry at one site (Leobersdorf) remained dominantly East Asian-like, whereas the other site (M?dling) shows local, European-like ancestry. These two nearby sites show little biological relatedness, despite sharing a distinctive late-Avar culture. We reconstructed six-generation pedigrees at both sites including up to 450 closely related individuals, allowing per-generation demographic profiling of the communities. Despite different ancestry, these pedigrees together with large networks of distant relatedness show absence of consanguinity, patrilineal pattern with female exogamy, multiple reproductive partnerships (for example, levirate) and direct correlation of biological connectivity with archaeological markers of social status. The generation-long genetic barrier was maintained by systematically choosing partners with similar ancestry from other sites in the Avar realm. Leobersdorf had more biological connections with the Avar heartlands than with M?dling, which is instead linked to another site from the Vienna Basin with European-like ancestry. Mobility between sites was mostly due to female exogamy pointing to different marriage networks as the main driver of the maintenance of the genetic barrier.

地球科学Earth Science

Continued Atlantic overturning circulation even under climate extremes


▲ 作者:J. A. Baker, M. J. Bell et al.

▲ 链接:articles/s41586-024-08544-0

▲ 摘要:我们展示了大西洋经向翻转环流(AMOC)在34个气候模型中对极端温室气体和北大西洋淡水强迫表现出适应性。由持续的南大洋风驱动的南大洋上升流维持了AMOC的减弱状态,防止其完全崩溃。




▲ Abstract:Here we show that the The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is resilient to extreme greenhouse gas and North Atlantic freshwater forcings across 34 climate models. Upwelling in the Southern Ocean, driven by persistent Southern Ocean winds, sustains a weakened AMOC in all cases, preventing its complete collapse. As Southern Ocean upwelling must be balanced by downwelling in the Atlantic or Pacific, the AMOC can only collapse if a compensating Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation (PMOC) develops. Remarkably, a PMOC does emerge in almost all models, but it is too weak to balance all of the Southern Ocean upwelling, suggesting that an AMOC collapse is unlikely this century. Our findings reveal AMOC-stabilizing mechanisms with implications for past and future AMOC changes, and hence for ecosystems and ocean biogeochemistry. They suggest that better understanding and estimates of the Southern Ocean and Indo-Pacific circulations are urgently needed to accurately predict future AMOC change.

Warming and cooling catalyse widespread temporal turnover in biodiversity


▲ 作者:Malin L. Pinsky, Helmut Hillebrand et al.

▲ 链接:articles/s41586-024-08456-z




▲ Abstract:Here we analyse 42,225 time series of species composition from marine, terrestrial and freshwater assemblages, and show that temporal rates of turnover were consistently faster in locations that experienced faster temperature change, including both warming and cooling. In addition, assemblages with limited access to microclimate refugia or that faced stronger human impacts on land were especially responsive to temperature change, with up to 48% of species replaced per decade. These results reveal a widespread signal of vulnerability to continuing climate change and highlight which ecological communities are most sensitive, raising concerns about ecosystem integrity as climate change and other human impacts accelerate.


Widespread occurrence and relevance of phosphate storage in foraminifera


▲ 作者:Nicolaas Glock, Julien Richirt et al.

▲ 链接:articles/s41586-024-08431-8

▲ 摘要:我们展示了磷酸盐储存在有孔虫中是广泛存在的,从潮滩到深海均有发现。在瓦登海里,底栖有孔虫Ammonia confertitesta在水华期间细胞内储存的磷酸盐总量高达德国每年磷肥消耗量的约5%。对南北海和秘鲁氧最小区的预算计算表明,底栖有孔虫可能在南北海缓冲河流磷径流约37天,在秘鲁边缘缓冲约21天。



▲ Abstract:Here we show that phosphate storage in foraminifera is widespread, from tidal flats to the deep sea. The total amount of intracellular phosphate stored in the benthic foraminifer Ammonia confertitesta in the Wadden Sea during a bloom is as high as around 5% of the annual consumption of phosphorus (P) fertilizer in Germany. Budget calculations for the Southern North Sea and the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone indicate that benthic foraminifera may buffer riverine P runoff for approximately 37?days at the Southern North Sea and for about 21?days at the Peruvian margin. This indicates that these organisms are probably relevant for marine P cycling—they potentially buffer anthropogenic eutrophication in coastal environments. Phosphate is stored as polyphosphate in cell organelles that are potentially acidocalcisomes. Their metabolic functions can range from regulation of osmotic pressure and intracellular pH to calcium and energy storage. In addition, storage of energetic P compounds, such as creatine phosphate and polyphosphate, is probably an adaptation of foraminifera to O2 depletion.

Learned magnetic map cues and two mechanisms of magnetoreception in turtles


▲ 作者:Kayla M. Goforth, Catherine M. F. Lohmann et al.

▲ 链接:articles/s41586-024-08554-y


我们报告一种标志性的导航物种——红海龟(Caretta caretta)能够学习此类信息。当在模拟特定海洋位置地磁场的磁场中被反复喂食时,幼年海龟学会了区分它们遇到食物的磁场与其他地方的磁场,这种能力可能是其觅食地点忠诚性的基础。


▲ Abstract:It has long been proposed that, to navigate using a magnetic map, animals must learn the magnetic coordinates of the destination, yet the pivotal hypothesis that animals can learn magnetic signatures of geographical areas has, to our knowledge, yet to be tested. Here we report that an iconic navigating species, the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), can learn such information. When fed repeatedly in magnetic fields replicating those that exist in particular oceanic locations, juvenile turtles learned to distinguish magnetic fields in which they encountered food from magnetic fields that exist elsewhere, an ability that might underlie foraging site fidelity. Conditioned responses in this new magnetic map assay were unaffected by radiofrequency oscillating magnetic fields, a treatment expected to disrupt radical-pair-based chemical magnetoreception, suggesting that the magnetic map sense of the turtle does not rely on this mechanism. By contrast, orientation behaviour that required use of the magnetic compass was disrupted by radiofrequency oscillating magnetic fields. The findings provide evidence that two different mechanisms of magnetoreception underlie the magnetic map and magnetic compass in sea turtles.